JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar has been appointed as Vice President (Wapres) for the Centrist Democrat International (CDI) or the organization of world-centred parties. Muhaimin accompanied the President of the CDI, Andres Pastrana Arango from Colombia.

"Of course I am grateful for the trust of the CDI Executive Committee. The position of Vice President of the CDI is an honor not only for me, but also for PKB and Indonesia," said Muhaimin in his statement, in Jakarta, Friday, October 29.

The appointment was made during the General Assembly of the Executive Committee and CDI members worldwide in a hybrid manner at the Stanhope Hotel Brussels, Belgium, Thursday (28/10) yesterday.

Muhaimin said the position assigned to him was a good opportunity for PKB and Indonesia to contribute more significantly to CDI.

According to him, the contribution is in the context of Asian relations, global politics, democracy and social justice, especially in the context of handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I need to say that Indonesia is currently struggling to recover its economy and politics, which had stagnated due to the pandemic," he said.

Muhaimin who is also the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives has been appointed as Vice President along with several leaders of world political parties, including representatives of Belgium, Spain, Bosnia, Germany, Croatia, Colombia, Brazil, Morocco, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Lebanon, Cambodia and the Philippines. .

Meanwhile, the Executive Secretary of the CDI remains Antonio Lopez Isturiz White from Spain, the Coordinator of the CDI for the Asia-Pacific Region is Cesar Rosselo; The African Region is held by Alberto Ruiz Thiery, and the Latin America Region is held by Monica Valencia Campo. The three of them are under CDI Regional Director Luis Blanco.

In addition to the restructuring of the CDI Executive Committee, the forum also discussed the development of various issues that occurred in various parts of the world, including the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic, the green economy and digital transformation.

The leaders of political parties that are members of the CDI from various countries take turns presenting the conditions of their respective countries in front of the leaders of other political parties. On the other hand, they also discussed anticipatory steps that need to be taken to find solutions to these various problems.

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