JAKARTA - The leadership of the DPD RI supports the move by the Indonesian Attorney General ST Burhanuddin who will examine the possibility of applying the death penalty to provide a sense of justice in the prosecution of corruption cases of two state-owned insurance companies PT Jiwasraya and PT Asabri.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the DPD RI Sultan Bachtiar Najamudin, this really represents the will of the community, especially the customers of the two financial institutions.

"This is an important legal breakthrough in ensuring a deterrent effect for financial crimes that have been operating in this country for a long time," said Sultan, Friday, October 29.

"I think this is a discourse that is able to provide a sense of justice for the community, even though it is very difficult and requires a lot of consideration or further study," he continued. Sovereignty, the government through the prosecutor's office has the right to sue more firmly against any crime that is detrimental to the state and public finances.

"We agree that financial crimes such as corruption are extraordinary crimes that are very detrimental to the state and public finances," said the former deputy governor of Bengkulu.

He added that the death penalty rules for corruption and economic crimes like this are categorized as special crimes. "So it is very reasonable if the prosecutor's institution considers the death penalty discourse," concluded Sultan Najamuddin.

It is known, Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin studied the possibility of applying the death penalty in prosecuting cases of alleged criminal acts of corruption. Burhanuddin referred to major corruption cases handled by the AGO, such as the corruption cases of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya and PT Asabari which caused large state financial losses. The Supreme Court is reviewing the possibility of applying the death penalty in order to provide a sense of justice in the prosecution of the case. Of course, its application must continue to pay attention to the applicable positive law and human rights values," said the Head of the Attorney General's Legal Information Center Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak in his statement. , Thursday, October 28.

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