SIDOARJO - The final disposal site (TPA) in Jabon, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, is no longer able to accommodate garbage shipments. The trucks that carry household waste can only be lined up inside the TPA.

Head of the Environment and Hygiene Service of Sidoarjo Regency, Bahrul Amig, said that dozens of garbage trucks that have been operating to collect waste from TPST to TPA are now parked in Jabon.

"You could say that it closed by itself because it was full. Meanwhile, our garbage collection fleet asked us to stand by here," said Bahrul Amig, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 28.

His party has prepared several solutions related to the accumulation of this waste, one of which is to operate waste disposal in the sanitary landfill starting next Monday.

"It's not ideal, but we will immediately operate it as a solution starting in November. In addition, the Regent has also prepared another solution, namely landfill mining by processing waste into briquettes that the industry needs as fuel," Bahrul continued.

This garbage briquette is an innovation from a local boy who has been researching since a few years ago. The plan is to process waste into briquettes not only at the Jabon TPA but also at the regional TPST.

"Indeed, Sidoarjo will be the first city to implement this perfect and integrated waste processing into briquettes," he said.

However, Amig also appealed to the community to be more optimal in processing waste from home. At least by 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle). If not, it can be managed centrally through the village. Of course, you must be willing to pay appropriately to the village TPS manager.

"We also encourage the management of village and regional TPS to be even more optimal. Even if necessary, this waste will be finished there, not going to the TPA," he said.

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