SUKABUMI - Heavy rains that flushed Sukabumi Regency, West Java, triggered landslides in two villages in Kabandungan District which caused houses and chicken coops to be buried.
"The landslide disaster occurred in Pajagan Village RT 30/12 and Tangkolo Village RT 03/01, Kabandungan Village. The value of the loss is still under data collection by officers at the disaster location," said Pusdalops Manager of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sukabumi Regency, Nanang Sudrajat quoted Between, Thursday, October 28.
Information gathered from BPBD, a cliff landslide triggered by heavy rains in Pajagan Village caused three housing units to be threatened and one chicken coop belonging to a resident was destroyed. Although none of the houses were damaged, residents were advised to be aware of the possibility of further landslides.
Meanwhile in Tangkolo Village, one house was moderately damaged due to a landslide from a cliff. Although there were no fatalities in this disaster, residents whose houses were damaged temporarily fled to their relatives' houses.
The landslide that hit the two villages occurred at the same time. From the results of the data collection, there were no residents who were either injured or died.
According to Nandang, the majority of sub-districts in Sukabumi Regency are in areas prone to landslides, not only in the rainy season, landslides also occur during the dry season.
Therefore, in the rainy season like now, his party always reminds residents, especially those living in vulnerable areas, to be vigilant.
"Heavy rains are often accompanied by lightning, not only triggering landslides, but also causing other disasters such as hurricanes, floods and land shifts. We have also alerted disaster management officers in each sub-district to increase vigilance," he explained.
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