MEDAN - Friends of Luhut for the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024 were declared in the city of Medan. Volunteers encourage the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan (LBP) to run as a presidential candidate for 2024.

The head of the Declaration of Friends of Luhut for the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024, Toni Togatorop, said the support was given spontaneously because of his track record.

"Looking at the track record of LBP, Pak Luhut in the Jokowi administration is amazed. Some of the strategic policies and persuasive approaches are familiar to the people," said Toni, Thursday, October 28.

"We are proud that LBP is the best son in this nation," he continued.

He believes that Luhut's leadership in the future will be able to continue President Jokowi's policy mission.

"Both in the fields of development, human resources, nature, design and infrastructure," he said.

Toga emphasized that Luhut Pandjaitan's declaration today was not known. With this declaration, Toga would like to invite all the people to be one voice with his party.

"No, he didn't get his blessing, and he didn't know about this declaration. We want to invite the people of North Sumatra in particular, as well as Indonesia to voice our voices," he said.

This support, said Toga, will soon be conveyed to Luhut. He admitted that he would not blame Luhut if later this support was rejected.

"In time we will hand it over to him, the problem is accepted and not accepted, that's his right. We hope that LBP will participate in the success of the people's democratic party. Because he is the best son of the nation," he continued.

"If he refuses, we must also be humble. We are no longer guilty of choosing the best son of this nation, if he refuses," he said.

Luhut Never Thinks About A Presidential Candidate

Previously, Spokesperson for Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Jodi Mahardi, responded to the declaration of his candidacy against Luhut. This support is on behalf of the volunteer Sahabat Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan (LBP).

Jodi emphasized that Luhut had never even thought about becoming a presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

"I never thought of running for president," said Jodi, Sunday, October 10.

According to him, Luhut is a figure who is able to position himself and is not the type of person who is crazy about power.

"Pak Luhut 2024 will focus on his foundation," he explained.

Jodi admitted that the commander of the Java-Bali COVID-19 handling had indeed received a large number of mandates from President Jokowi. However, it does not necessarily make Luhut happy.

On the other hand, he said, Luhut carried out his duties as best as possible by positioning himself as a subordinate.

"Yes, he can measure himself," he said.

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