JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was reported to the Ombudsman for the Greater Jakarta Representative by residents of Petamburan Flats because they were deemed not to have paid compensation to residents affected by the evictions amounting to Rp4.73 billion to 473 residents.

In fact, there has been a court decision that upheld the compensation.

Responding to this, the Head of the Public Housing and Settlement Area (DPRKP) claimed that his party had complied with the court's decision.

"It is not true that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is not serious about implementing the court's decision. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is committed to immediately paying compensation to residents," said Sarjoko in his statement, Thursday, October 28.

Sarjoko said that the problems that occurred in Petamburan Flats were related to compensation or compensation for house rental costs when the flats were built.

Initially, residents were given the cost of a house contract for 1 year. However, it turned out that the construction lasted for 5 years due to the financial condition of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government during the 1998 monetary crisis.

Until finally, the residents sued the DKI Provincial Government until the last court decision on May 19 2015 namely the DKI Provincial Government was sentenced to pay compensation.

The Court's decision stated that the Governor of DKI Jakarta, the Mayor of Central Jakarta, and the Head of the DKI Jakarta Housing Office paid compensation to 473 residents amounting to Rp4.73 billion.

Sarjoko admitted that the DKI Provincial Government in 2015 had budgeted for the payment of the compensation in the Regional Budget of the Housing Agency. However, when they visited the flats, it turned out that most of the residents who had complained no longer lived there.

"This budget cannot be realized because there are 473 residents who are plaintiffs, most of whom do not live there," he explained.

Sarjoko added that in 2019, the DKI Jakarta DPRKP again held data collection of Petamburan Flats and socialized the provision of compensation according to the Supreme Court Decision of the Republic of Indonesia Number 700/PK/PDT/2014 dated May 19, 2015. This socialization was carried out in the Mosque Hall of the Petamburan Flats.

However, from the data collection and socialization, it was found that most of the residents who complained no longer resided there.

"In fact, most of the residents have also sold their units to other people without making any payment obligations to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," he explained.

As a result, the DKI Provincial Government has difficulty verifying the residents who will receive the compensation. In fact, verification is needed to guarantee the provision of compensation in accordance with the provisions and prevent the provision of compensation to people who are not entitled.

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