JAKARTA - The Golkar Party has won an award as a political party in the event of public information disclosure. The awarding ceremony was held by the Central Information Commission (KIP) on Tuesday, October 26.

The Golkar Party is one of a number of political parties in Indonesia that received an award in this public information disclosure event. Golkar is currently led by Airlangga Hartarto.

Chairman of the Central Information Commission Gede Narayana said that the Public Information Openness Index (IKIP) in Indonesia showed results in a moderate position. Namely with IKIP of 71.37. In 2021, said Gede Narayana, there will be 337 public bodies that will be monitored and evaluated regarding the disclosure of public information.

This number decreased compared to the number of public bodies in 2020 which recorded 348 public bodies. The chairman of KIP emphasized that the award for public information disclosure is not a contest between public bodies.

"This award is not a contest between public agencies, but must be interpreted as the implementation of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Openness," said Gede Narayana, Tuesday, October 26.

Meanwhile, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in the same event said that this award is a driving force for public participation to realize good and transparent governance. The results of this public information disclosure can be used as evaluation material for all public bodies.

Kiai Ma'ruf emphasized that the state guarantees the disclosure of public information to the public. Based on the monitoring results of the Central Information Commission, there was an increase in the informative class of all monitored public bodies. This shows that the RPJM target of 35 public bodies classified as information has been exceeded.

"This is a reflection of the birth of Law 14 2008 which has brought good changes to the implementation and disclosure of public information," said the Vice President.

The Vice President advised all public bodies that are still classified as informative enough to not informative enough to improve.

Namely by improving management that prioritizes aspects of transparency and accountability in governance.

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