JAKARTA - Good news received by the Central Java Provincial Government. This province became the Informative Public Agency with the highest score in the 2021 Public Information Disclosure Award for the Provincial Government Category.

For information, this is the fourth time that Central Java has won this award in a row since 2018. The award from the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia to the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, received an appreciation from the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma'ruf Amin, at the Public Agency Information Disclosure Award, via virtual, Tuesday 26 October.

The Central Java Provincial Government was declared the most informative with an achievement of 98.17. Next, Aceh (96.93), West Nusa Tenggara (96.77), DKI (96.41), Riau (95.81), Bangka Belitung Islands (95.56), East Kalimantan (93.79), Bali (93.62), Banten (91.70), and DIY (91.23).

Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin said that this award is a very good opportunity for public bodies to continue to accelerate their best efforts regarding information disclosure through various innovations that are relentless.

The management of public information disclosure is carried out in order to encourage public participation, in order to realize good and transparent government governance,” said Ma'ruf.

The results of the assessment, continued the Vice President, are expected to be a means of introspection for all public bodies, to continue to maintain and improve the performance of public services and their productivity even in the midst of a pandemic.

"Congratulations to a public body that has obtained the qualification as an informative public body," he said.

Head of the Central Information Commission, Gede Narayana, said that his party had carried out monitoring and evaluation of 337 public bodies. This number has decreased compared to 2020, which was recorded at 348 public bodies.

Due to the dissolution or institutional merger between several SOEs, in 2020 there will be 107 public bodies to 101 public bodies in 2021," explained Gede.

He continued, there were also state institutions and non-ministerial government institutions which decreased from 45 public bodies in 2020 to 41 public bodies in 2021. In addition to non-structural institutions, in 2020 there were 34 public bodies to 33 public bodies in 2021, quoted from Central Java's Diskominfo.

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