JAKARTA - Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) Senior Economist Faisal Basri highlighted the formation of the COVID-19 Handling Committee. Faisal considered that this step did not show the seriousness of the government in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. Moreover, to appoint SOE Minister Erick Thohir as chief executive.

The committee, which is chaired and filled by the ranks of the Coordinating Ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet accompanied by several other ministers, according to Faisal, is nothing more like a limited cabinet meeting.

"Then the chief executing agency is Minister of BUMN (Erick Thohir), who almost all BUMN (companies) have problems. Just settle it first so that the BUMN can get out of the problem. This means that the chief executive is the source of the problem," he said in a virtual discussion, Tuesday, July 28.

According to Faisal, Erick should focus on solving problems in BUMN. Given the state-owned companies under his ministry are companies related to the interests of many people. One of them, PT PLN (Persero).

"Finish PLN, pay the PLN bill to the government. Finish Pertamina, Garuda, these are all elephants. He can't take care of that alone, how come he wants to take care of Indonesia, that's right," he said.

Not only that, Faisal also highlighted the position of Head of BNPB Doni Monardo, who is currently changing to being under Erick Thohir in handling COVID-19. Faisal offended Doni, who is now responsible to Erick.


"Then we see that there is a Task Force, the position of Pak Doni, chairman of the BNPB, was lowered. Previously he was responsible to the current president to Erick Thohir. This is chaotic, where is his preference," he said.

Furthermore, Faisal also mentioned the position of the Head of the Economic Recovery and Transformation Task Force which was filled by Deputy Minister of BUMN Budi Gunadi Sadikin. According to him, it is better for Budi to manage a state-owned company.

"Just take care of the SOEs. Don't dream of being able to take care of others if you don't take care of your own affairs. The question is who are the commissioners and who are the directors, that's a hassle. Serving debates with Adian Napitupulu is even more troublesome," he explained.

Faisal questioned what can be expected from this newly formed committee in dealing with the impact of COVID-19. According to him, the formation of this team actually shows that the government is not serious about dealing with the pandemic problem.

"So what can be expected from this structure? There have been no serious efforts to control the virus," he said.

Erick Warns

On the other hand, when Erick Thohir was appointed as chairman of the committee, he reminded the public to adhere to health protocols even though the COVID-19 vaccine, a collaboration between PT Bio Farma and the biopharmaceutical company Sinovac, China, will be circulating in early 2021.

"We will ensure that there will be a vaccine, but I ask the public to be disciplined so that we can continue to anticipate the spread of COVID-19," said Erick in a press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Tuesday, July 21.

The public, he continued, still have to wear masks, keep their distance, wash their hands, and apply other health protocols to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

Moreover, although the rate of cure continues to increase, the number of additional positive cases of COVID-19 continues to occur in the community.

"Don't also assume that when there is a positive atmosphere, whether vaccines or cures increase, it's time for us to live normally as before. No," said the BUMN Minister.

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