South Jakarta District Court Holds Follow-up Session Of Unlawful Killing FPI Warriors, Agenda For Witness Examination
The atmosphere of the trial at the South Jakarta District Court (Photo: DOK ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court (PN) held a follow-up trial for the unlawful killing of Laskar FPI against two defendants, First Brigadier FR and Ipda MYO, Tuesday, October 26.

The trial was presided over by the Panel of Judges, M Arif Nuryanta as the presiding judge and two member judges, Haruno and Elfian, respectively. The trial started at 10.30 WIB with the agenda of examining witnesses presented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU).

The trial in the first stage presented witnesses for the defendant Ipda MYO, then continued the second stage trial by presenting witnesses for the defendant Brigadier FR, starting at 11.40 WIB.

Previously, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) ensnared the two defendants, Brigadier FR and Ipda MYO with Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st KUHP subsidiary Article 351 Paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1 of the Criminal Code.

The Public Prosecutor, Zet Tadung Allo, when reading the indictment for the defendants Brigadier FR and Ipda MYO stated, as a result of the actions of the defendants committing mistreatment together resulted in the deaths of Andi Oktiawan, Faiz Ahmad Syukur, Lutfi Hakim, Akhmad Sofiyan, M Reza, and Muhammad Suci Gaddafi Putra. .

The two defendants did not file an exception or a memorandum of objection, as stated by the legal team at the inaugural trial, Monday, October 18.

The attorney for the two defendants, Henry Yosodiningrat, said that the indictment charged by the Public Prosecutor had met the requirements of the indictment according to the Criminal Code.

"Honestly and proportionally, we see that the indictment has been prepared well. It has met the requirements of the indictment according to the Criminal Code, so we do not state exceptions or objections," he said.

However, Henry said, some notes that are considered necessary to be raised and known to the public, namely the background to the incident.

"What is the background of this incident, what happened, and what happened to members of the Police for the treatment from FPI. That's all. So there are no other things. Therefore, we did not file an exception or objection. Later the substance will not be raised. I try with the forum earlier," he said.

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