JAKARTA - Azis Syamsuddin denied introducing Stepanus Robin Pattuju while still a KPK investigator to former Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) Regent Rita Widyasari in Tangerang prison.

"No, Your Honor," said Azis Syamsuddin while testifying for the defendant Stepanus Robin Pattuju at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, October 25.

Panel of judges Jaini Bashir immediately responded to Azis Syamsuddin's confession which was different from the testimony of other witnesses. Where when Rita was presented in court, Azis said that Robin was introduced to Tangerang prison.

"Rita also stated that you came and introduced (Robin). Because it is impossible for Rita in detention to know Robin, who is a KPK investigator.

Azis Syamsuddin remained firm in his stance. Azis claimed not to have introduced Robin to Rita at the Tangerang prison as stated in the trial.

"No, Your Honor," said Azis again.

The judge then investigated the loan of Rp. 200 million to Robin, who at that time was a KPK investigator. Because, Azis easily spend that much money to people he just met.

"That means it doesn't really bother him, with a high enough salary, he only borrows Rp. 200 million. When he borrows Rp. 200 million, how close are we to people?," the judge asked.

Azis casually replied that he was indeed a philanthropist. "I just help people who don't know me," said Azis, chiming in on the judge.

Getting Azis' answer, the judge was not satisfied. The judge still felt odd about Azis' confession. Moreover, the person who was given the loan at that time was a KPK investigator.

"If (helping) people are in trouble, like there is a flood, it's natural that you are a member of the DPR. But if there are KPK investigators, borrowing Rp. 200 million, we think too," said the judge in response.

A moment later, Azis again conveyed the reasons that had been presented at the beginning of his testimony. Azis claimed to have lent money to Robin for putting on a sad face.

"This is your majesty. He came to my house with a pitiful face. Then it made me feel uncomfortable, my inner position was disturbed. Instead of this continuing and I want to rest, I will help humanity. I don't know if it's divided into two," said Azis The judge again replied to Azis' statement. "Borrowing up to six times, it means that there is a connection with Rita. And Azis answered. "I don't know, Your Honor,"

The character that I have, every guest I receive, that's why people say I'm too good, but because I'm too good, I'm sad. No one came to my house, they didn't give me tea," said Azis and the judge answered.

In the indictment, Stepanus Robin Pattuju was accused of receiving a sum of money from several parties. Among others, the Mayor of Tanjungbalai M. Syahrial Rp1.7 billion through Azis Syamsuddin.

Later, Robin received money from Azis and Aliza Gunado. The last name is someone close to Azis.

Robin and Maskur also received Rp 2 billion in money from Azis and Aliza Gunado related to the investigation into the Central Lampung Financial Allocation Fund (DAK) in 2017.

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