JAKARTA - Former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aziz Syamsuddin, stated that Stepanus Robin Pattuju had visited him at his residence. The purpose of the visit was to borrow money.

Aziz made this statement when he was witness to the alleged bribery case with the accused former KPK investigator, AKP Stepanus Robin Pattuju.

The testimony began when the KPK public prosecutor (JPU) questioned Aziz about his initial acquaintance with Robin. Azis claims to know Robin in 2020 suddenly.

"When he (Robin) came to my house suddenly, without an appointment, because he was at the post at that time. I asked, are you the KPK? use a fake nametag, you see," said Aziz during a trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Monday, October 25.

After that day, said Azis, Robin visited his house three times. During one of those meetings, Robin, who was still an active KPK investigator at that time, borrowed money from Azis Syamsuddin.

Azis Syamsuddin claims that Robin borrowed money for the needs of his sick family. In the end, Azis said that he had given him Rp. 10 million. The money was transferred directly to Robin's account.

"Yes, I borrowed, 'Brother, I'm having a hard time, if I may be helped'. Why did I say it. For this family matter, I don't remember exactly," said Aziz.

In fact, Aziz said that Robin came back to him. The former KPK investigator again asked him for money. The reason for the treatment of his parents.

"Because the next few visits he asked again for financial assistance, also between the second or third meetings, sir. I don't remember exactly what happened," said Aziz.

"He (Robin) has sick parents, his family is sick. Because at that time it was COVID, we understood not only him, sir," continued Aziz.

From the two requests, continued Aziz, around Rp. 200 million more has been given to Robin. However, he did not remember the details of giving the money.

"So the first number is 10 million," said Aziz.

The prosecutor then asked. "How much are the two?" said the prosecutor. "A total of 200 million pack (second request)," said Aziz.

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