JAKARTA - I don't know what got into Slamet's mind, a resident of Banyumas, Purwokerto, Central Java who has the heart to molest two of his own biological children. Actions of sexual immorality against his daughter have been repeated.

This action was revealed after two children with the initials NPJ (18) and CDP (11) complained to their mother with the initials SPA. Initially the NPJ victim suddenly asked permission from his mother to study in Jakarta.

However, his mother did not approve of NPJ's wishes because he also wanted to work in Jakarta. Hearing his mother's wish to work, NPJ forbade him.

SPA also asked the NPJ regarding the reasons for prohibiting him from working. The NPJ answered the question that he was afraid of being harassed again by his father. At the same time, CDP also shared that he had been abused by his father.

After hearing the children's complaints, SPA then told one of her siblings and was followed up with a report to the local RT head and forwarded to the Banyumas Police.

"On the basis of the report we received on Monday, July 27, we immediately carried out an investigation until finally arrested the perpetrator on behalf of BS and secured a number of evidence," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim), Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKP) Berry, reported by Antara, Purwokerto, Tuesday, July 28.

After conducting an investigation, his party arrested Slamet. "Based on LP / B / 304 / VII / 2020 / Central Java / Resta Bms dated July 27, 2020 which was followed up by the arrest of the suspect BS (41), a resident of Teluk Village, South Purwokerto District," he said.

Berry continued, based on the results of the examination, the perpetrator had intercourse with his two children around December 2019 in their respective rooms.

After committing the act, the perpetrator also gave one of his children Rp50 thousand for snacks and asked him not to tell his mother.

"For this act, the perpetrator will be charged under Article 81 and / or Article 82 of Law Number 35 of 2014 in conjunction with Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning Second Amendment to Law Number 23. Year 2002 on Child Protection, "he said.

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