JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas clarified his statement about the Ministry of Religion being a state gift for Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), that his remarks were solely to ignite the enthusiasm of the students and Islamic boarding schools at internal events. is to encourage students and Islamic boarding schools," Yaqut said in Solo, as reported by Antara, Monday, October 25. Previously, Yaqut's statement invited various reactions on social media. In fact, PBNU did not agree with what was said by the man who also served as Chair of the Banser. PBNU Secretary General Helmy Faishal Zaini firmly stated that Indonesia belongs to everyone and the Ministry of Religion belongs to all religions in Indonesia. Yaqut said the statement was only in the forum. internal problems that should not be a problem, because the goal is only to motivate the students. In fact, he likens his statement to a husband and wife couple who say that the world belongs to both of them. seeing the moon at night, (saying) this world belongs to both of us, the others are just 'negotiating', is that wrong? I asked if it was wrong or not? It's because it's internal," he said.

The Minister of Religion ensures that the Ministry of Religion is not only for NU. The proof, said the Minister of Religion, is that the Ministry of Religion gives affirmations to all religions. "Everything is given proportional rights. Ormas are also not just NU. In fact, at the Ministry of Religion there is a Director General of Hajj and Umrah, that is a Muhammadiyah cadre. There is also an Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion who is not from NU ," said the Minister of Religion. According to him, the basic character and identity of NU is open and inclusive. NU exists to give itself for the greater interest and benefit. "Because openness and prioritizing benefit are the nature of NU," he said.

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