MEDAN - The man with the initials RM, a resident of Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra, was arrested by the police. RM is the perpetrator of the molestation of his nephew who has been on the run since 2019.
Head of the Tanjungbalai Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Rapi Pinakri, said that the sexual abuse incident occurred in August 2019. At that time, the age of the victim who was molested was 14 years old.
AKP Rapi said that when the incident occurred, the suspect happened to live with the victim's parents.
"While the victim was sleeping, suddenly the perpetrator came and immediately hugged the victim," said AKP Rapi in his statement, Sunday, October 24.
After the sexual abuse, the victim reported the incident to her mother. Parents immediately complained about the incident to the Tanjungbalai Police.
"On Friday, October 22, the perpetrator was arrested and immediately taken to the Tanjung Balai Police Criminal Investigation Unit for processing in accordance with applicable law," said AKP Rapi.
The suspect was charged with Article 81 paragraph (2) subsidiary to Article 82 paragraph (1) of Law Number 17 of 2018 concerning Child Protection.
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