ACEH - The Aceh Forest, Nature and Environment Foundation (HAkA), a non-governmental organization (NGO) in the field of environmental conservation has asked the people of Aceh, especially the East Aceh District, to stop hunting for protected animals.

"Continuous hunting will threaten the balance of nature and conflict between animals and humans," said Nurul Ikhsan, an environmental activist from HAkA in East Aceh, Antara, Friday, October 22.

Nurul Ikhsan said that hunting for protected animals such as elephants and tigers often occurs in Aceh. This can be seen from the disclosure of cases handled by law enforcement agencies.

Like the death of an elephant found without a head in East Aceh District a few months ago. The male elephant is a victim of hunting for its tusks and then traded.

According to Nurul Ikhsan, the killing of the Sumatran elephant has become a concern for the conservation world. The elephant killing case is now entering trial in a court in East Aceh Regency with five defendants.

"We will oversee this elephant killing case until the court's verdict. We hope this elephant killing will be the last case of hunting protected animals in Aceh," said Nurul Ikhsan.

In addition, Nurul Ikhsan invites stakeholders to take preventive measures related to the hunting of protected animals, so that the balance of nature is not disturbed.

"This prevention is not limited to local governments and conservation institutions, but the absolute obligation of all parties and civil elements in maintaining and preserving nature and the habitats in it," said Nurul Ikhsan.

Therefore, Nurul Ikhsan hopes that there will be no more hunting for protected animals, be it elephants or tigers. Because these protected animals, apart from balancing the ecosystem, must also be passed on to future generations of Aceh.

"People should be grateful that Aceh, especially East Aceh, still has four key animals, namely the Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, orangutan and Sumatran rhino. Their existence must be maintained," said Nurul Ikhsan.

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