JAKARTA - Through the 2019 annual report, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said there were a number of backlashes launched from corruptors against KPK leaders and employees. This attack is not only in the form of psychological and physical attacks, but also mystical attacks.

In 2019, when Agus Rahardjo cs took office, there were various threats made by parties suspected of wanting to interfere with the law enforcement process.

"Throughout 2019 attacks on KPK leaders and employees occurred several times and of course they were carried out by people who did not want the KPK to be strong and carried out by parties whose interests were disturbed by the KPK," wrote the 2019 KPK Year Report as quoted by VOI, Monday, 27 July.

The anti-corruption agency detailed that there were a number of incidents of psychological and physical attacks against KPK leaders such as the discovery of a bomb-like object at the residence of the KPK Chair for the 2015-2019 period Agus Rahardjo and the throwing of Molotov cocktails at the residence of KPK Deputy Chairman Laode M Syarief; and the assault of two members of the KPK surveillance team while monitoring information on suspected bribery at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta.

Furthermore, there was also TGPF in the KPK watering case Novel Baswedan submitted the results of their investigation to the National Police Chief; paid demo; the issue of taliban; and an anonymous letter stating that KPK employees were involved in student demonstrations against the RKUHP some time ago as a psychological threat aimed at the KPK.

In addition to direct threats against KPK leaders and employees, threats were also experienced by the Regional Coordination Unit or Korwil team which acted to prevent as well as eradicate corruption.

"During their journey, the Korwil team could not avoid the terror, intimidation and threats they had encountered. Physical threats from thugs and even mystical threats were also encountered," said the report.

Through this report, the KPK shared the story of a Korwil II member named Dian Patria who had experienced a mystical incident that harmed him. This incident started when he conducted monitoring at the Jatiluhur Dam, Purwakarta Regency, West Java in 2017.

After returning home from carrying out the monitoring work, Dian admitted that she was often short of breath but ignored her. In fact, in such conditions he continued his assignment to East Kalimantan to conduct a survey of a number of mining areas that had non-clear and clean IUPs and had expired.

He had time to go to the hospital. From the results of his examination, the doctor stated that there was fluid in the heart and lungs which obliged him to be admitted to the ICU for two weeks and survive with the help of a ventilator. However, it is not known what illness Dian suffered.

"I don't know what Mas Dian is," said a doctor as quoted in the report.

It's just that, lately Dian did not want to guess or suspect further about her illness which was mentioned due to witchcraft and witchcraft.

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