SURABAYA - The Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, held a ceremony to commemorate National Santri Day (HSN) 2021, at the Grahadi State building in Surabaya.

Khofifah also encourages students to improve their capacity, quality, and managerial ability, to prepare a strong economy.

"The goal is for us to be dedicated to the community, religion, nation and state," said Khofifah, Friday, October 22.

At HSN 2021, Khofifah also supports Syaikhona Kholil in getting the title of National Hero. Khofifah considered the title worthy of Syaikhona Kholil, considering that he is one of the shops of scholars in Indonesia.

"She also contributed to the struggle against the Dutch colonialists, during the war for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia," said the woman who is also the head of NU Muslimat.

In addition, Khofifah said that Syaikhona Kholil also had a major influence on the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. Khofifah also considers the charismatic kiai from Bangkalan, Madura, to be worthy of the title of National Hero.

"I agree, supporting the government to give the title of National Hero to Syaikhona Kholil," he said.

Previously, NasDem was the first political party (party) to initiate, as well as propose to the government to give the title of National Hero to Syaikhona Kholil. In fact, NasDem's efforts have been carried out since the last year.

Not long after, NasDem's move was followed by a number of other political parties (Golkar, PKS, PKB and others), supporting and encouraging the government to assign the title of National Hero to the late Syaikhona Kholil.

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