Doctors Answer Myths About Sports During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Illustration (Photo: Greg Montani from Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Sports activities were carried out differently during the COVID-19 pandemic. Where people must maintain fitness while implementing COVID-19 prevention protocols. So, there are many opinions circulating about exercising in this unusual way.

Sports specialist doctor and director of Slim & Health Sports Center Jakarta, Michael Triangto, will explain rumors about the activities circulating in the community.

There is an assumption that exercising wearing a mask will harm health. Michael said, this assumption is a myth. People are allowed to exercise wearing masks for light and moderate intensity.

"The use of masks will not interfere with breathing, including when exercising with light to moderate intensity because at that time the body does not need large amounts of air," Michael said in a written statement, Saturday, July 25.

Michael said, using a mask will act as a maximum air filter for 90 percent and will not completely stop the flow of breathing air. Even so, Michael admits that there will be discomfort when exercising wearing a mask.

"Even if there is discomfort, of course it can be resolved after regular use the body will get used to using it. The use of the right mask in the right way is a form of our responsibility not to become infected and infect other people against COVID-19," he said.

Then, the assumption about car free day (CFD) activities in open spaces cannot transmit COVID-19. Michael says this is also a myth. Because people do not comply with the COVID-19 prevention protocol, they will still have the potential to be infected.

"If the open air means a car free day event, which is full of people flocking, of course we will find it difficult to keep our distance and the risk will increase if people do not comply with health protocols," he said.

In addition, there is an assumption that strenuous exercise in a fitness center (gym) will increase endurance so that you can avoid COVID-19. This is also a myth.

"If the exercise continues to increase the intensity of the exercise so that it becomes heavy, it will actually reduce the intensity of the body so that it will be more likely to be infected with the COVID-19 virus," said Michael.

"In addition, if the cleanliness of shared equipment cannot be properly maintained, it will also facilitate transmission from one person to another," he continued.

Furthermore, the assumption about swimming is the same as bathing, so that it can prevent COVID-19. It is a myth that swimming in public swimming pools will have a big risk of contracting COVID-19.

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Then, the assumption that using eucalyptus necklaces can prevent COVID-19 is also a myth. He said, eucalyptus oil has benefits for reducing influenza symptoms, nasal congestion and also as an anti-inflammatory.

COVID-19 also has symptoms similar to influenza. However, the severe airway obstruction in COVID-19 is very different from the common cold.

"Therefore, eucalyptus oil might help relieve the symptoms of Covid, but not to prevent or cure it. Thus, this statement is a myth," he said.

Then, the assumption that cycling is the safest sport during the COVID-19 pandemic is also a myth. Michael said, cycling does help overcome various diseases. However, this must also be accompanied by the application of health protocols.

"If cycling without wearing a mask properly, carried out together with an unknown person, the group of cyclists is more than five people and does not keep a distance from one cyclist to another cyclist for 20 meters or more, the risk of infection becomes very large," he added. .

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