JAKARTA - The Director General of Village Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Yusharto Huntoyungo directly observed the simultaneous village head elections (pilkades) in 170 villages in Purwakarta Regency, West Java, Saturday, to ensure the implementation of health protocols (prokes). Yusharto in Purwakarta, Saturday , said the implementation of the simultaneous pilkades in Purwakarta was in accordance with Permendagri 72 of 2020. "The implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol is well implemented," he said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, October 16. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Yusharto expressed his appreciation to all levels of the Purwakarta Regency Government who have worked well, so that the Pilkades during the COVID-19 pandemic took place in an orderly and safe manner by implementing health protocols. the backbone for the Regent of Purwakarta in achieving the vision and mission in Pemk ab Purwakarta," he said.

Meanwhile in this simultaneous Pilkades, Purwakarta Regent Anne Ratna Mustika exercised her right to vote at Polling Station 4, Sawah Kulon Village, Pasawahan District. The inauguration of the elected village head later. He admitted that he had prepared the implementation of the simultaneous and coordinated Pilkades, especially in terms of security involving various parties, especially elements of the Regional Government with the TNI and Polri.

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