ACEH - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Aceh Province said that 31,017 couples got married during January-September 2021 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that is still hitting.
"There are 31,017 bride-to-be in Aceh carrying out weddings throughout 2021, and this data is from January-September 2021," said the Head of Islamic Religious Affairs (Urais) of the Aceh Ministry of Religion, Marzuki in Banda Aceh, Antara, Friday, October 15.
The details of the total data are, 3,679 couples married in January, 3,651 married couples in February, 4,269 couples in March, and 1,537 couples married in April.
Furthermore, there were also 3,137 couples married in May, then 3,777 couples in June, 4,203 couples in July, 3,657 couples in August and 3,107 couples in September.
Marzuki said marriage is one thing that cannot be postponed. Even though, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of marriages on the Veranda of Mecca was still running normally.
"If the number does go up, then it will also increase slightly, and vice versa. This means that there is no significant increase or decrease," said Marzuki.
However, according to Marzuki, the Ministry of Religion will continue to monitor the implementation of health protocols during the wedding process during the pandemic.
And also continues to urge the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) to provide maximum service and continue to ensure that health protocols run well during the marriage contract.
This was proven during the COVID-19 pandemic, marriage contracts were carried out with strict health protocols, both at KUA and those who got married outside KUA, such as at home or at a mosque.
"Keep maintaining health protocols for the good of all of us, so that the wedding can run smoothly," he said.
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