JAKARTA - Various health protocol violations continue to occur. Even when the spike in COVID-19 cases got worse. A humanist gives an interesting point of view. Health protocols should be trended. Maybe true. Because the rules and sanctions have proven to be ineffective.
Sari Madjid, who is also an activist at Teater Koma, said, "We have seen this happen. Masks, for example, are now a part of fashion and trends in society," he said, Friday, July 24.
He gave an example, during the last Eid, people began to mix and match masks with clothes they would wear during the holidays. Likewise in everyday life. Now people are starting to mix and match masks, the colors of the hand sanitizer bottles, to the wet tissue containers that match the clothes they are wearing.
"Among artists it has also happened. Artists have started to style with their masks. That has begun to enter into the process of adapting to new habits," he said.
He revealed, the mix and match of masks and face shields have also begun to be carried out by art actors in costumes that will be used for performances. Sari said some dance artists have started designing costumes that also wear masks or face shields.
"Some have designed it. The next audience must be regulated. The health protocol can become a new ritual in performing arts," he said.
One of the new habits that occur among art performers is the use of make-up equipment that can no longer be used together. "Make-up can no longer be used together. Likewise costumes. So each must have their own make-up," he explained.
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