AMBON - The Buru Police, Maluku, together with the joint SAR team are still conducting an operation to search for a nine-year-old boy who was missing and allegedly attacked by a crocodile in Kaki Aer Village, Teluk Kayeli District.

"The missing nine-year-old boy is known as Sakira Natania Safrulla," said Head of the Public Relations Sub-section of the Buru Police, Aipda Djamaludin, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 14.

He explained that the incident two days ago was discovered after the Buru Police received a report from a police officer named Firman (36) and a report by the Namlea SAR Post Coordinator at 16.15 WIT about the missing child allegedly being eaten by a crocodile.

According to the chronology, the victim was bathing in the river near the house at around 15.00 WIT with his partner, while at 16.00 WIT his friends reported to the residents that the victim had been eaten by a crocodile.

"The action taken by officers after receiving the report was to coordinate with Basarnas and carry out search preparations at 16.30 WIT," he said.

The team conducting the search consisted of three personnel from KP XVI-1008, two personnel from KP.XVI-2002, one personnel from the Polairud Unit of the Buru Police, using KP XVI-1008 departing from the Sandar Namlea Post to Kaki Aer Village with a distance of about 5 nm.

When the joint SAR team arrived in the village, coordination was carried out with the village head to search for victims, but so far there has been no result.

On the first day of the search and rescue operation, the team caught a crocodile and cut its stomach open to search for the victim's body but to no avail.

Separately, Head of the Ambon Basarnas Search and Rescue Office Mustari admitted that a search operation had been carried out for two days but had not produced any results.

"Today, the second day of surgery was continued but the results were still nil," he said.

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