JAKARTA - Former convict of terrorism case Kamaludin appreciated the existence of the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Police Headquarters in efforts to eradicate terrorism in Indonesia.

Kamaludin in the discussion "Densus 88, Handling Terrorism, and Islamophobic Narratives in Jakarta, Thursday, admitted that he used to hate the existence of Densus 88 Anti-terror because his group was targeted for arrest operations.

"But now he appreciates the role of Densus 88 behind the operation to eradicate terrorism cases. The existence of Densus 88 is something to be grateful for," said Kamaludin, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 14.

The discussion was related to the narrative of the proposed disbandment of Densus 88 Anti-terror because Densus 88 was considered to have spread a narrative of hatred against Islam (Islamophobia).

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Civilian Muslim Network (JMM) Syukron Jamal regretted the narrative of the proposed disbandment of Densus 88. The existence of Densus 88 is very important, especially in dealing with the prevention of radical ideas.

"The allegation that the handling of Densus 88 related to Islamophobia needs to be straightened out is very unfortunate. Densus 88 still has a very important role," said Syukron.

According to him, the accusation that Densus 88 should be dismissed was considered too risky. He emphasized that the narrative seemed tendentious and could not be seen from one case point of view only.

Meanwhile, LIPI senior researcher Hermawan Sulistyo is of the view that there will be no problem if the institution, which was founded in 2003, is disbanded. However, he gave a clear warning that if Detachment 88 was disbanded, the potential threat of terror would occur everywhere.

"If you want to be disbanded, just disband, if there is a bomb, don't complain that our country is like Syria," said Prof. Kikiek, as Hermawan Sulistyo is familiarly called.

According to him, so far the mechanism of arrest operations carried out by Densus 88 is not arbitrary. Even the process carried out by Densus is fully accountable. However, he regretted the lack of expertise of the police in disseminating information to the public regarding the efforts that had been made.

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) cleric figure, KH Marsudi Syuhud reminded the role of community organizations to jointly tackle radical understanding. Around 80 or so religious organizations in Indonesia can help with this response program.

Marsudi emphasized that the basic principles of a country are the rules which guide life together in Indonesia.

"The goal is to organize harmonious life with one nation and religion with one another," he said.

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