JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Environmental Agency Asep Kuswanto explained the progress of the extension of the cooperation agreement (PKS) for the Bantargebang Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST) between the DKI Provincial Government and the Bekasi City Government.

In the process, Bekasi asked for the odor compensation fund in the form of BLT which was paid to residents around Bantargebang to increase by 100 percent. However, Asep said that DKI would not increase the BLT nominal in the next agreement.

"The amount of the formula has not changed. So, it is the same as what has been applied so far, namely Rp. 300 thousand per family," Asep told reporters, Thursday, October 14.

However, so far DKI and Bekasi have agreed to increase the number of residents around Bantargebang who are recipients of BLT. Previously, there were 18 thousand families registered as recipients. In the future, the number of recipients will be around 24 thousand families.

"There is an application for the number of families who received BLT. Yesterday there were 18 thousand families, plus 6 thousand. Why is it increasing? Because there are 4 villages in Bantargebang sub-district that have been affected, and so far only 3 villages have received BLT funds. The Bekasi City Government wants this new PKS In addition, there are other additions included in the Bantargebang agreement, such as increasing sanitation facilities and facilities to developing areas in Bantargebang District.

"So far, there have been addendums for improving the environment, education, health, and BLT. In the future, the Bekasi City Government asks for an addition to improve their sanitation facilities, then the development of the Kantargebang District area, and there is an application for the number of families who receive BLT," he said.

Asep targets the signing of the PKS, which is extended every five years, to be carried out on October 26, 2021. The parties who signed this PKS are the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan and the Mayor of Bekasi Rahmat Effendi.

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