JAKARTA - The strong smell of sulfur around Lake Maninjau is troubling residents of Jorong Tanjuang Batuang, Nagari Duo Koto, Tanjungraya District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra. Conditions on the ground show that there is an induced current of electric wires to iron poles flowing to the ground, said Wali Nagari Duo Koto , Joni Safri in Lubukbasung, Thursday, based on the results of an on-site inspection with the village apparatus and local residents on Tuesday, October 12.

Public reports have reported that there has been hot air that emits smoke and smells of sulfur since Monday, October 11.

The hot air that emitted smoke and smelled of sulfur occurred not far from Lake Maninjau. Getting that information, he tried to find information from people who have an understanding of electricity. Between, Thursday, October 14th.

He added that currently there is no more hot air that emits smoke and smells of sulfur. With this condition, he appealed to residents to always be careful when using electric current, because it is a risk for themselves and other residents. Duo Koto," he said.

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