KANGASEM - A man with the initials NK (32) a resident of Banjar Dinas Babakan, Purwakerti Village, Karangasem Regency, Bali, has been named a suspect in the crime of violence against children (KDRT). He abused his biological son with the initials IKS (13) until he died.

"The perpetrator was detained and named a suspect since Thursday (7/10). After the evidence from the investigation strengthened the suspicion that his biological father was the perpetrator of the crime of violence against children that caused the victim to die," said Karangasem Police Chief AKBP Ricko AA Taruna, Wednesday , October 13.

The perpetrator was emotional because his son did not help mow the grass but played a kite. IKS was then beaten. The victim was also gagged.

"The cry was caused by the pain caused by a blow to the neck using evidence," added Ricko.

An autopsy revealed bruises all over his body. The cause is the impact of a hard object. Police from the disclosure of this case confiscated bamboo sticks.

"The perpetrator is threatened with Article 80 Paragraph (4) in conjunction with Article 76.C of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2003 concerning Child Protection, subsidiary to Article 44 Paragraph (3) of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning Domestic Violence," said AKBP Ricko.

Previously, the Karangasem Police team, Bali, dismantled the tomb of a boy with the initials IKS (13) for an autopsy. This case continues after the strange death of the boy.

Based on information, initially the victim was said to have died after falling while playing a kite with his sister. His father immediately took the child to a shaman but his life could not be saved.

But at that time, other family members were suspicious because there were a number of bruises on the victim's body. The wound was discovered during the process of washing the corpse. Then, after a few days later, the family then reported the irregularity to the Karangasem Police.

The police then dismantled IKS's meal for autopsy purposes. The autopsy revealed that violence was found on the victim's body. The determination of the suspect to NK was carried out after the police received the autopsy results from the Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar, Sunday, October 10.

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