JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, said that his agency will follow up if the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) reports on the existence of State Budget (APBN) funds whose management goes into private accounts.

"As long as there are results of the BPK examination report, we will follow up," said Firli at the KPK building, quoted from Antara Jakarta, Thursday, July 23.

Related to this, he also stated that cooperation between law enforcement officials and ministries / institutions is important so that every rupiah can be accounted for.

"This is the importance of cooperation and synergy between law enforcement officers, ministries / institutions so that we can really take responsibility for every rupiah of state money and at the same time make improvements related to state financial governance," said Firli.

Furthermore, he also stated that the KPK focuses on exposing all types of corruption crimes that have been obtained from various sources, namely through the role of the public in reporting suspected corruption crimes.

Furthermore, through analysis reports from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) and reports on the results of financial audits conducted by the BPK.

"This is the source of the information that we got. From these reports, we coordinated with the parties, especially the BPK regarding the financial audit report on the government's financial reports, whether it was the central government, whether it was a ministry / institution," he said.

Previously, in the Audit Results report on the 2019 Central Government Financial Report, the BPK revealed its findings, namely that there was APBN funds whose management went into personal accounts.

These findings occurred in the financial reports of ministries and institutions for the 2019 fiscal year.

The chairman of BPK Agung Firman Sampurna explained that the total findings of the management of APBN funds using personal accounts reached Rp. 71.78 billion spread across five ministries / institutions.

"It consists of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Religion, the Election Supervisory Agency, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency," he said.

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