JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, asked the Government to pay special attention to the implementation of Face-to-face Learning (PTM). Where, the PTM policy is very important to improve the quality of education and the quality of Indonesian human resources in the next few years. According to him, the implementation of PTM must be supported by all parties, especially across existing ministries and institutions.

"Now there is Circular Letter No. 4 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Face-to-face Learning. In the circular letter it is emphasized the importance of PTM based on strict health protocols. This health protocol needs to be strengthened so that at the implementation level it can protect all students, teachers, and other supporting staff," said Saleh, Monday, October 12.

The chairman of the DPR PAN faction admitted that the implementation of PTM was not easy. However, Saleh said, it must also be ensured that those participating in the PTM must be safe, healthy, and protected from COVID-19. One way that can be done is to carry out regular testing of students, teachers, and other administrative staff.

"At least, teachers, students, and administrative staff are tested at least once or twice in two weeks. In order not to be too expensive and not to take a long time, testing is carried out with rapid antigen. That way, COVID-19 transmission in schools and universities can be monitored properly," said Saleh.

In addition, he continued, students who take part in PTM should be prioritized to get vaccinated. Meanwhile, school children aged 12 years and over, should have priority.

"Nowadays, the available vaccines are vaccines for 12 years and over. Now, it must be ensured that 12-year-olds up to college students have been vaccinated. They must be the main target for the implementation of national vaccinations," said the North Sumatran legislator.

In this context, said Saleh, the ministry of health through the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) is required to cooperate with the ministries of education, culture, research and technology. Saleh said the cooperation focused mainly on two things, namely the implementation of testing and vaccination. According to him, this collaboration is very important to accelerate the achievement of the government's target in the implementation of vaccinations, especially towards the end of this year.

"As far as I know, the Ministry of Health has sufficient budget to carry out testing and vaccination. In fact, because the current case is subsided, it is estimated that the stock of antigens owned by the Ministry of Health is more than sufficient. It is time for testing to be directed to schools and universities. That way, added Saleh, parents of students do not need to be charged for the implementation of regular testing like this. "And with the implementation of regular and periodic testing, all parties will feel more secure and calm. Don't worry about new clusters in face-to-face learning places," he said.

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