JAKARTA - The central and regional governments are seen as failing to coordinate regarding the appointment of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) because they do not comply with the initial promise, namely the formation of 1 million honorary teachers to become State Civil Apparatuses (ASN).

The National Coordinator of the Teacher Education Association (P2G) Satriwan Salim urged the central and local governments to fail to coordinate in determining the formation of honorary teachers to become PPPK. Because, the number of formations offered is not proportional to the existing needs.

"We urge the central and regional coordination not to fail because of the failure of the coordination, the victims are honorary teachers," said Satriwan when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, October 12.

Furthermore, he asked Kemendikbudristek and Kemenpan-RB as well as BKN to make special regulations for honorary K2 teachers, of whom there are only 121,954 people left. Satriwan asked them to be prioritized in order to pass the PPPK.

"The central government should make special rules, special regulations to appoint honorary K2 teachers, if they are forced to fight in stage 2 and 3 of PPPK, they are unlikely to pass. Why? Because they are old," he said.

Furthermore, he regretted that there were several regions that proposed this appointment formation that did not suit his needs. For example, in Garut Regency, which proposed the formation of 196 people from the need for 1,081 teachers. This amount, he judged was incorrect and asked for the addition of a new formation.

"Why does the local government only dare to propose 196 people, even though the number of honorary teachers needs 1,081? Why are they afraid to add formations? Their reasons are classic, funding, budgeting salaries and allowances. Even though it is known, the Minister of Finance, Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Education and Culture, said the source of the PPPK teacher budget was comes from the center through the general allocation fund (DAU) and special allocation funds (DAK) schemes," he said.

Therefore, he hopes that the central government will carry out its promise to fulfill the formation quota of more than 1 million KDP teachers.

"Now, the government formation is 1 million according to Nadiem's promise, but the formation proposed by the region is 506 thousand. So this is what I gave as an example in Garut. The national teacher need is 1 million, it turns out that the regional government proposed half of it, on the grounds that the budget does not exist, even though the source of the budget is It's from the center," he said.

"We hope that the PPPK selection stages 2 and 3 are really intense and soolutive coordination from the center to convince the regions, because these are the victims who are honorary teachers. In this case, the shortage of ASN teachers will not be fulfilled at any time because of poor coordination between the Minister of Education and Culture and the Regional Government So now it's 170 thousand, the second and third selections, I'm sure it won't reach 500 thousand too," added Satriwan.

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