JAKARTA - Two fishermen from East Aceh Regency were reported missing and two others survived after their motorboat was hit by a tanker in the waters of the Malacca Strait. The head of the East Aceh SAR Task Force (Satgas) Abdul Musafir in East Aceh, Monday, said the incident occurred Saturday, 9. October at 22.00 WIB. The incident was 56 nautical miles from the Idi Archipelago Fishery Port (PPN) in East Aceh. "The fishermen who survived the accident were Andi Mahathir and Erwin Saputra, both crew members from Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh," said Abdul Musafir, quoted by Antara, Monday. , October 11. Meanwhile, two fishermen who are missing and are still being searched are Zulfakri and Mirzarullah. Both are father and son from Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh Regency.

Based on the statements of the fishermen who survived, at that time the motor boat they were crewing KM Fixed Sinar Pagi 02 tied the boat at the lever which is 46 miles northwest of PPN Idi. “We turned off the boat engine and lights because we were repairing damage to the engine. After 10 minutes the tanker was hit by a tanker,” said Andi Mahathir, a fisherman who survived. Andi Mahathir said he did not know the name of the tanker that hit their ship. Within minutes, their ship sank and the tanker continued to cruise. "After floating on a fishing barrel for almost 24 hours, then we were helped by another fishing boat, KM Dinar Indah, commanded by Safwan," said Andi Mahatir. At that time, KM Dinar Lovely is on her way home. While crossing, suddenly saw the shadow of a person floating on the high seas. The captain of the ship directed his ship to help the two of them. After being evacuated to the ship, then both of them were landed and arrived at PPN Idi, Sunday (10/10) at around 23.00 WIB. The fishermen are in good health.

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