JAKARTA - Former Mayor of Tanjungbalai M Syahrial said former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju had said that he only gave Azis Syamsuddin 2 weeks to complete payment for services related to case management.

"Mr. Ketum, I only gave you 2 weeks, how come it takes months, forgive me, that's what Pak Robin said," said M Syahrial when testifying via videoconference from the Medan Class I Detention Center, Monday.

Syahrial was a witness for two defendants, namely former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju and advocate Maskur Husain who were charged with receiving a total of IDR 11.5 billion from the management of five cases at the KPK. Meanwhile, Robin and Maskur were present at the trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor).

"Who is ketum?" asked the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the KPK Heradian Salipi.

"Azis Syamsuddin," answered Syahrial.

"Ketum in what order given 2 weeks?" asked the prosecutor.

"I don't know what the problem is, but yesterday I was only given 2 weeks," answered Syahrial

The prosecutor then read out Syahrial's Minutes of Investigation (BAP).

"In BAP 38 you were asked 'Did you know that the chairman was given 2 weeks, I'm sorry bro'. Your answer was 'Robin's words are parables, Robin asked to hasten to pay the money because Robin took the example of the Central Lampung case which was told to me that for taking care of Central Lampung Azis Syamsuddin is given 2 weeks to take care of it', is this about Central Lampung true?" asked the prosecutor.

"That's right, because he told me that Azis Syamsuddin had a case in Central Lampung and 'I (Robin) took care of it and was given 2 weeks," Syahrial replied.

"Mr. Ketum how much money?" asked the prosecutor.

"I don't know," Syahrial replied.

"Delivered by what?" asked the prosecutor.

"At that time it was conveyed via 'chat' on the Signal application and there was also a call via Signal," Syahrial replied.

Syahrial also admitted to sending a photo of the KPK summons to Azis Syamsuddin.

"I sent it because it was the one who introduced me to Bang Robin at Mr. Azis' official residence, so I also reported it to Mr. Azis. I am a Golkar cadre and I need help from the Golkar legal department, Golkar cadres," said Syahrial.

At Syahrial's request to Azis, Azis was called "Already communicated with our friends".

"Initially, I never discussed it with Mr. Azis but after the OTT Labuhan Batu Utara, then the survey results were good and then I communicated with Mr. Robin. At that time I conveyed my problem in the case of the job auction, after that I conveyed Mr. Azis said yes, communicated with Mr. Robin "explained Syahrial.

In addition to handling his case in Tanjungbalai, Syahrial also said that Robin handled a number of other cases at the KPK, such as in Cimahi, Banggai, Step, and North Sumatra.

"There was also a mention about the Governor of North Sumatra, but only to say that there was also a problem with the Province of North Sumatra, I said 'Oh yes'," said Syahrial.

In the indictment of Robin and Maskur, Azis Syamsuddin along with Golkar cadre Aliza Gunado gave bribes worth Rp.3,099,887,000 and US$36 thousand (around Rp.513 million) for a total of around Rp.3.613 billion to KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju to deal with the allegations. the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) corruption case in Central Lampung.

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