JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has again detained 11 members of the North Sumatra DPRD for the 2009-2014 and / or 2014-2019 periods who were suspects related to suspected bribery.

KPK Deputy Chairman Nurul Ghufron said 11 members of the North Sumatra DPRD would be detained for 20 days from Wednesday, July 22 to August 10. This detention was carried out after they were named suspects on January 30 last.

"After carrying out the investigation process, the KPK detained 11 members of the DPRD of North Sumatra Province for the 2009-2014 and / or 2014-2019 periods," Ghufron said in a press conference broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube account, Wednesday, July 22.

The names of the North Sumatra DPRD members who were detained were Sudirman Halawa, Rahmad Pardamean Hasibuan, Megalia Agustina, Ida Budiningsih, Syamsul Hilal, Robert Nainggolan, Ramli, Layani Sinukaban, Japorman Saragih, Jamaludin Hasibuan, and Irwansyah Damanik.

In detention, the 11 people will be placed in different detention centers. Ghufron said Sudirman, Ramli, Syamsul Irwansyah, Megalia, and Ida were detained at the Rutan KPK, the Red and White House branch.

Meanwhile, Robert, Layani, Japorman, Jamaluddin, and Rahmad will be detained at the KPK Detention Center for the Pomdam Jaya Guntur branch.

"Regarding the suspects who today did not fulfill the KPK summons, we remind them to immediately fulfill the summons for examination as suspects," he said.

The KPK suspects that the 11 people have received gifts or promises from the Governor of North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho regarding the approval of the North Sumatra Provincial Government's accountability report for the 2012-2014 budget by the DPRD of North Sumatra Province; approval of amendments to the Regional Budget of North Sumatra Province for the 2013 and 2014 fiscal years by the North Sumatra DPRD; Ratification of the North Sumatra Provincial APBD for the 2014 and 2015 fiscal years; and rejection of the use of interpellation rights by the DPRD of North Sumatra Province in 2015.

Previously, the KPK had also processed 50 leadership elements and members of the North Sumatra Provincial DPRD for the 2004-2009 and / or 2014-2019 periods.

All the suspects are currently serving their criminal sentences after being convicted by the Medan Corruption Court with an average sentence of four to six years.

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