JAKARTA - The daughter of Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, Sedah Mirah, plays a bicycle with President Joko Widodo who is also his grandfather at the Bogor Palace complex, West Java, Saturday, October 9.

Wearing a brown shirt, Sedah Mirah rides her bicycle with Joko Widodo. Not long ago on a bike ride, Kahiyang Ayu's daughter stopped to sing the song 'Independence Day'.

With a child's accent in general, Sedah Mirah looks fluent in singing the song. Jokowi got off his bike and listened to his grandson sing.

"August seventeenth forty-five. That's our independence day," Sedah Mirah sang.

"Independence day for the homeland and the nation. The birthday of the Indonesian nation, mer-de-ka. Once independent, still independent As long as life is still in the body, we remain loyal, remain ready, defend Indonesia, we remain faithful, remain ready. , defend our country," said Sedah Mirah continued.

Hearing this song, Jokowi seemed enthusiastic to listen. Even the singing of Sedah Mirah made President Joko Widodo aghast.

"Well, be smart," said Jokowi, laughing. "Come on mom." said Sedah replied. This moment was shared by Jokowi via Instagram @jokowi. The President said that Sedah Mirah is now three years old.

"At the age of three now, Sedah Mirah already likes cycling. Hearing her sing, all tiredness and sadness disappears," said Jokowi.

It didn't stop there, Sedah Mirah then listened to the song 'Pelangi' by AT Mahmud. Sedah Mirah is very fluent in singing the song.

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