SURABAYA - The performance of education in East Java is the highest in Indonesia, according to the "highlight" index of the performance of education affairs as a result of the evaluation of the implementation of regional government carried out by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said he had received a report released by the Ministry of Home Affairs in September 2021, which showed East Java's education performance index reached 4.2308 points, outperforming 33 other provinces in Indonesia.

"As Governor, I express my gratitude and appreciation to all parties, including the Provincial, Regency/City Government and the community, as well as students, educators and education staff who have worked hard to maintain the dignity of education in East Java," said Khofifah as quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 7th.

He expressed his gratitude because the various programs in the field of education in the province have resulted in a proud appreciation.

"Moreover, education is one of the sectors most affected during the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic," said Khofifah.

Meanwhile, Head of Sub-Directorate for Performance Evaluation Region III, Directorate General of Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Home Affairs, Imelda, explained that East Java's position out of 34 provinces throughout Indonesia is above the average national education affairs performance index.

"This needs to be maintained by the Governor through the relevant regional apparatus to ensure the performance of basic services in the field of education can be carried out based on the minimum service standards that have been set by the provisions of the applicable legislation," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the East Java Education Office, Wahid Wahyudi, said that this educational performance achievement complements the various achievements that have been achieved so far.

"Previously, East Java had the highest rank in Indonesia, where students were accepted into state universities, either through the national selection mechanism to enter state universities or joint selection to enter state universities from the regular route and the Indonesia Smart College Card in 2021," he said.

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