BADUNG - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim encouraged schools in Bali Province to conduct limited face-to-face learning (PTM).

"I'd love to see an acceleration that this limited face-to-face happens. I just came from NTB where almost 100 percent of all schools have implemented limited face-to-face meetings and that hasn't happened in Bali yet," said Nadiem while visiting the Bali State Polytechnic, Badung Regency. quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 7th.

Nadiem said that his party encouraged limited PTM to be carried out in Bali, one of which was considering that the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in the Bali region was recorded to be very high, including for educators in schools.

"Therefore, we really hope that the implementation of this limited PTM will be accelerated in Bali because it is very sad, especially for our elementary school children, PAUD children who have experienced so much behind in learning, I don't want it to have a permanent impact. become the urgency of all government agencies," he said.

During his working visit to Bali, Nadiem Makarim also visited SMP Negeri 1 South Kuta to monitor the implementation of limited PTM and review the implementation of the Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK).

He explained that nationally, the percentage of schools in Indonesia that had held face-to-face learning only reached around 45-50 percent.

"That's not a good number, we still have 50 percent who have not implemented limited PTM and that is a number that we must pursue together. We must be able to dare to apply strict health protocols because almost all of them are at level 1 to level 3, meaning schools have may hold PTM," said Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Makarim.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bali Provincial Education Office, Boy Jayawibawa, explained that up to 60 percent of schools in the Bali area that have held limited PTM.

In its implementation, his party also asked schools not to be careless and not rush to organize limited PTM if they were not ready, especially in implementing health protocols to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in schools.

"We also continue to carry out monitoring and everything is going according to the existing technical instructions. This means that this is the relaxation period for a student at school for a maximum of two hours, the canteen must be closed and after completion, they will return to their respective homes. Hopefully Everything went smoothly as expected," he said.

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