KENDARI - The COVID-19 Task Force Command Post in the Southeast Sulawesi Province Education and Culture Office complex was boycotted.

It is alleged that the boycott of the COVID-19 Task Force post was related to the late payment of honorarium for 174 joint personnel from a number of institutions in handling the corona virus.

The information gathered stated that a pamphlet with the words "the office was sealed before the task force's fees was disbursed" had been stuck on the office door since Thursday, October 7 at noon.

"Yes, his office has been sealed since 12 this afternoon. Don't know who seals it. When it comes to honorariums, it's true, I heard that from April," said a person who was met around the Task Force post, quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi COVID-19 Task Force, Nur Endang Abasburaera, confirmed the stagnation of payment of the honorarium for the Covid-19 task force from April to October 2021.

His party has signed the disbursement file but it has not yet been completed by the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) as the party given the authority to allocate the budget.

From information gathered from one of the employees, it is known that the unpaid budget is estimated at billions of rupiah with an incentive payment scheme of Rp. 150,000 to Rp. 250,000 per day.

Even though their rights have not been paid, the employee, who refused to be identified, admitted that he would not want to continue to carry out his duties as usual in the hope that the incentives would be paid immediately.

"We are given an honorarium of Rp. 150,000 to Rp. 250,000 per day. As long as wages have not been paid, we continue to carry out our duties as usual. Like it or not, we are still working, trying to get left and right for our children and wives to eat," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi BPBD, Yusuf answered diplomatically that there were no problems in paying the incentives for the joint personnel of the COVID-19 Task Force.

According to him, the budget is still waiting for information from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

Regarding the amount of incentives to be paid, he admitted that he did not know the nominal budget.

"There is no problem, just waiting for the results of the review from BPKP. What you want to pay is from May to September 2021. I don't know exactly how much, I'll ask later, he said.*

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