BOYOLALI - The Boyolali Regency Government in Central Java Province has allowed tourist attractions to be opened, including sports activities. This policy was issued following the decline of PPKM in Boyolali to Level 2.

"We, according to the instructions of the Boyolali Regent, have allowed to open sports activities and tourism businesses in stages, since last Tuesday until now because they have dropped to level 2," said Head of the Boyolali Regency Youth, Sports and Tourism (Disporapar) Supana in Boyolali, Antara. , Thursday, October 7th.

Supana said that the tourism sector was opened by limiting the number of visitors to around 25 percent of capacity and applying the care and protection application.

"So all visitors who come to tourist sites have been vaccinated and children under 12 years old have not been allowed to enter tourist sites," he said.

The opening of the tourist attractions, he said, would be carried out in stages by implementing strict health protocols (Prokes).

Disporapar is still confirming several tourist attractions that are already open because some are managed by third parties. His party will also check on the field, where there are already two teams that will check on the field or at tourist attractions.

Disporapar Boyolali only manages three tourist attractions, namely, the Tlatar tourist attraction area, the Joglo Selo Post tourist attraction area and the Selo Bungalow. Meanwhile, several other tourist objects were asked to prepare according to the rules of the PPKM Inbup level 2. Such as the Cengklik Reservoir and Pengging Reservoir attractions which are managed by third parties.

Meanwhile, Ali (47), one of the officers of the Cengklik Park Reservoir Attraction in Ngagorejo Ngemplak Boyolali Village said the Cengklik Park Reservoir tourist attraction had received a permit to operate again from the Disporapar.

"This Cengklik Park Ngemplak reservoir, initially opened only about 50 visitors, but on weekends it can reach 200 people. However, visitors according to government instructions will be limited to around 25 percent," he explained.

The Cengkli Park Reservoir tourist attraction in Ngagoreko Ngemplak Boyolali Village offers various rides for children's games including a swimming pool and spots for selfies and a restaurant. Visitors with entry tickets only need to pay Rp. 20,000 per person.

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