SULTRA - The District Government (Pemkab) of Southeast Minahasa, North Sulawesi, has given strict sanctions to close one of the retail stores that violated the health protocols (prokes).

"We are giving sanctions in the form of closing retail stores that are found to be in violation for not implementing health protocols," said Head of the Southeast Minahasa Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Jani Rolos in Ratahan as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 5.

He revealed that he had conveyed a circular to all retail stores operating in Southeast Minahasa to implement strict health protocols.

"We have reminded the manager. When a violation is found for not implementing the protocol, a sanction is given in the form of a temporary closure," he said.

He added that from the search results of the sub-district COVID-19 Task Force, it was found that employees at the retail store did not use masks when serving the community.

"Through the task force in sub-districts and urban villages, they have provided guidance to store managers," he said.

Jani reminded other retail store managers in Southeast Minahasa Regency to carry out the government's advice regarding the implementation of health protocols.

"We hope this becomes a lesson for all retail store managers because the district government will immediately impose strict sanctions on violators of health protocols," he said.

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