JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) signed Government Regulation (PP) Number 35 of 2020 concerning Compensation, Restitution and Assistance to Witnesses and Victims. The regulation, which was signed on July 7, regulates the provision of compensation for victims of criminal acts of terrorism in one of its articles.
This is contained in Article 18A PP 35/2020 which reads: "Victims of criminal acts of terrorism are entitled to compensation."
This newly signed PP is different from PP No. 7/2018. In this regulation, compensation is only given to victims of gross human rights violations.
Applications for compensation for victims of terrorism can be submitted by their families and their heirs through the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).
Furthermore, the LPSK will examine the application and calculate the losses suffered by the victim including injured victims, dead victims, lost income, or lost property.
Then with the approval of the Minister of Finance, LPSK determines the amount of the value of the losses received by victims due to acts of terrorism.
The procedure for determining this compensation is further regulated by the Supreme Court in coordination with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, LPSK, and other related institutions.
Furthermore, the LPSK will submit a request for compensation and its considerations to investigators to then submit the file to the public prosecutor no later than before the defendant's examination.
"LPSK carries out compensation to families, heirs, or proxies based on a court decision within 90 days from the date the copy of the court decision or court order is received," reads article 18O PP Number 35 Year 2020 regarding the time limit for providing compensation.
This PP does not only regulate the provision of material compensation. In Article 44B, it is recorded that victims of past terrorism crimes are entitled to medical assistance as well as psychosocial and psychological rehabilitation assistance.
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