JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs Harry Hikmat explained that Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini will have an office in Papua. Risma prepares an empowerment program.

"So it has been a long time since Mother's call to see Papua is more advanced, and she sees that there must be an effort for Papua to rise, perhaps from the old tradition, which is more oriented towards receiving social assistance (social assistance), so encourage them to empower their potential," said Harry, quoted by Antara, Monday. , October 4th.

Harry gave an example that what is being prepared is the tanning of crocodile skin in Mamberamo. The leather will not only be sold, but processed into goods that will increase the income of the Papuan people.

Risma also brought in a trainer from Timika City who was involved in the effort, to train the Mamberamo people,

"We invite Mamberamo's friends, the young people who you often say are economic heroes, are trained by entrepreneurs who are used to processing. Not only crocodile skin tanning, but I think that transportation access is between cities, between villages, between villages, even between villages," he said. .

Social Minister Risma, said Harry, had checked several areas geospatially. The goal is to be able to connect access to transportation and utilize existing human resources.

According to Harry, this is the same as what was done at the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation, by utilizing human resources, the majority of whom are people with physical disabilities.

"Those various aspects that have been studied have even had scenarios, from planning to action, in the next few months it will require an intensification of planned and sustainable structured management. That's where you are called to spend more time going to Papua," said Harry.

It is planned that this year, Social Minister Risma will have an office in Papua in collaboration with church leaders and youth from Cendrawasih University. The office is not only a day or two, but leaves Jakarta, and will hold limited meetings via online.

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