Mataram Police Record Many Riders Ignore COVID-19 Prokes
Mataram Police Satlantas officers give masks to four-wheeled drivers during the 2021 Gatarin Obedience Operation in Mataram, Saturday (2/9/2021). (ANTARA/HO-Mataram Police)

MATARAM - The Traffic Unit of the Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, noted that there are still many motorists who ignore the COVID-19 health protocol.

"It's like a driver who doesn't wear a mask when driving," said Head of the Mataram Police Satlantas Kompol Imam Maladi, in Mataram, as reported by Antara, Monday, October 4.

Imam conveyed this based on the records in the 2021 Gatarin Obedient Operation which was carried out for 14 days until October 3, 2021.

"In this operation there were 1,547 violators. Both of them ignored the procedures and driving equipment," he said.

However, he said, there were more than 1,000 violators recorded in this operation. The police did not provide direct action (ticketing). Instead, the field officer followed up the violation with a warning.

"In accordance with the mandate of the Korlantas Polri Headquarters, we do not carry out fines," he said. In addition to noting the forms of violations in this police operation, Imam revealed that there were no incidents of traffic accidents that resulted in the death of the victim.

However, they are still evaluating. Obedience in driving completeness, understanding traffic signs, and understanding the COVID-19 process is still considered low.

"That's why we take preemptive and preventive actions. It provides a stronger understanding to the community," he said.

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