Kudus Regency Government Proposes Subsidy For Class III JKN Participants In The Amount Of IDR 3 Billion Through The 2021 Regional Budget Change
JKN card. (Photo: Akhmad Nazaruddin Lathif/Antara)

JAKARTA - The Health Office of Kudus Regency, Central Java, proposes a budget for subsidizing class III national health insurance (JKN) participants of Rp. 3 billion through the 2021 Revised Regional Budget as a follow-up to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 78/PMK.02/2020." In the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia number 78/PMK.02/2020 concerning the Implementation of Payment of Contribution Contributions for Participants Recipients of Health Insurance Contributions, Contributions for Non-Wage Recipients and Non-Workers with Service Benefits in Class III Treatment Rooms, and Contribution Assistance for Non-Worker Participants Wage Recipients and Non-Working Participants With Service Benefits in Class III Treatment Rooms by the Central Government and/or Regional Governments, it is stated that the subsidy assistance is Rp. 2,800 per person per month," said Head of Health Services and Resources of the Kudus District Health Office, Edi Kusworo in Kudus. , Monday. He revealed that the contribution subsidy for active independent JKN class III participants is also provided provided through the 2021 pure APBD with a budget allocation of IDR 1.18 billion.

With such a large budget, he said, the estimated subsidized JKN participants are 35,000 participants. Meanwhile, the number of JKN participants who will receive a similar subsidy is also estimated to be higher than in the first phase. The number of Kudus residents who are registered as JKN Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI) until early October 2021 with a budget from the Kudus APBD is 58,155 participants, while the PBI APBN is 203,264. "If previously the percentage of Kudus residents registered with JKN reached 81.18 percent of the total population, now it has dropped to 78.52 percent," he said. Duplicate data and residents who do not deserve assistance, so they are omitted. The most important thing is to get full budget support from the local government, so that Kudus can immediately meet the target.

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