JAKARTA - Residents of Pintu Air, Kapuk Village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, suddenly became excited to see a corpse floating in the East Embankment River. Residents gathered to see the body of a man with bruises on his face. According to police officers, the body is in the name of Ronald Siagian.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cengkareng Police, Iptu Tri Baskoro Bintang Wijaya, said that so far his party was still gathering information from a number of witnesses at the scene.

According to Kanit, based on the testimony of a witness named Syahrul, on Wednesday, September 29, the witness had seen a fight near the floodgate.

"From the testimony of the witness, we received information that the witness saw and recognized the victim's face while fighting with fellow punks who were hanging out at the Water Gate. The witness saw that there were about 5 people who ganged up on the victim and his friends," said Kanit to VOI, Friday, October 1.

Then, continued Kanit, the punk boy group threw the victim into the river. When thrown, the victim's friend was still able to swim and tried to escape. Then the group of punk boys left the location.

Meanwhile, another witness named Apriazi, a colleague of the victim, on Wednesday 29 September, he and the victim went to hang out in Kapuk, by the river. That's when they met a group of punk kids. Apriazi said, Ronald spoke Sundanese with the group of punk children.

Apriazi admitted that he did not know what was being discussed between the victim and the perpetrator.

"Not long after that a fight broke out between the witness, the victim and the group of punk children," he said.

Then the victims and witnesses were beaten by the perpetrators. Meanwhile Apriazi was thrown into the river by a group of punk boys. Apriazi managed to escape by swimming into the middle of the river and then climbing back onto the road.

"After two days of the incident, the victim was found dead floating in the river," he said.

Until now, the perpetrators of the beating are still looking for members of the Cengkareng Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

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