JAKARTA - Nigerian Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama tested positive for COVID-19. The announcement was made directly by Onyeama via Twitter, Sunday, July 19.

Onyeama is now part of the 14 million people in the world who have COVID-19. He admitted that he was in good condition and was ready to isolate himself in a health facility in Nigeria.

Launching Reuters on Monday, July 20, Onyeama became the first cabinet member of President Muhammadu Buhari who tested positive for COVID-19. The 64-year-old man was previously tested with complaints of irritation in the throat.

"I was doing my fourth COVID-19 test yesterday. The cause was none other than throat irritation. And unfortunately this time I was positive. At the same time, I am preparing for self-isolation in a health facility and praying for the best," Onyeama said in his tweet.

During the Virus outbreak from Wuhan, Onyeama played an important role in repatriating Nigerians from abroad. Nigeria had experienced difficulties, considering that lockdowns in several countries resulted in limited air travel.

Before Onyama, Nigerian President's Chief of Staff Abba Kyari also had COVID-19. He was tested last April. As a result of the virus, Kyari died and became the most recognized person in Nigeria who died of COVID-19.

Since then, President Buhari's cabinet has started to hold virtual executive board meetings. All of this is done in order to maintain physical distance so that the government can work optimally so that the wheels of the government continue to run.

So far Nigeria has confirmed 36,663 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 789 cases died.

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