LAMPUNG TIMUR - Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo has big dreams. He wants Indonesia to be able to seize the international shrimp market despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

Edhy Prabowo has his own calculations with his dream. He saw that Indonesia had a great opportunity. You see, a number of competing countries for the world's largest vaname shrimp producer, such as India, are still in lockdown.

"Shrimp is in demand by the world, especially the potential of our rival countries producing vannamei shrimp like India is currently on lockdown. This is our potential to seize the world market," said Edhy Prabowo after reviewing and harvesting vannamei shrimp in Margasari Village, East Lampung, Lampung Province, Sunday, 19 July as reported by Antara.

Edhy Prabowo said, although vannamei shrimp is not a native Indonesian species, the evidence is very popular and favored by the public. Even this shrimp productivity is quite high. Not surprisingly, Edhy wants to seize this opportunity by increasing production while inviting farmers to intensify their management.

Analysis of the politician from the Gerinda Party, an area of one hectare of shrimp ponds which is intensively managed, can produce nearly 20 tons. Meanwhile, a one hectare wide shrimp pond which is managed in the usual way only produces 1 ton.

"This (intensification) is what we will invite," he said.

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