JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission X and son-in-law of Sabam Sirait, Putra Nababan, said that his father-in-law died two weeks before his birthday. The late Sabam Sirait will turn 85 on October 13.

Sabam Sirait died at Siloam Hospital Karawaci, Wednesday, September 29. He had been suffering from lung disease for the past two months.

"Because he has been suffering from chronic non-COVID-19 lung conditions for the past 2 months, so that's also considering his age, which is already 85 years old on October 13," said Putra at the funeral home, Thursday, September 30.

With the end that is not young anymore, said Putra, the recovery process for his father-in-law was quite difficult. In fact, the team of doctors have done the maximum treatment.

"So it's not easy to recover and the optimal treatment is carried out by the family and the team of doctors at Siloam Hospital," he said.

However, Putra said that before he died, in an unwell condition, Sabam continued his activities and carried out his duties as a member of the PDIP DPP.

In fact, you could say the activity is very solid. Because, they still have to participate in meetings with several ministers, even though they are virtual.

"I had several video calls with him, he was very busy working with the Minister of Home Affairs and related ministers and others," he said.

"So he really enjoyed it even though it wasn't easy for him to have virtual meetings with the DPD. But then that was it, this chronic lung disease that made him have to be hospitalized," he continued.

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