BANJARMASIN - The Banjarmasin State Administrative Court (PTUN) in its decision stated that the flood early warning system in South Kalimantan (Kalsel) must be strengthened. This refers to the experience of the great flood disaster that occurred in January 2021.

"Requires the defendant to take a number of government actions. First, install, maintain and control the early warning system (EWS) equipment on the riverbanks of the South Kalimantan Province," said Chairman of the panel of judges at the Banjarmasin State Administrative Court (PTUN) Andriyani Masyitoh through e-court trial, Wednesday, September 28, in the state administration case for a lawsuit filed by flood victims in South Kalimantan against the Governor of South Kalimantan, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 29.

In his ruling, the defendant must also improve the flood disaster information disclosure system in South Kalimantan Province and optimize social media for the dissemination of clear and accurate early warning information.

In the main case, the panel of judges granted the claim of the plaintiffs in part.

The panel of judges decided that the defendant's action in the form of not providing information on the 2021 South Kalimantan flood early warning was a violation of the law by government officials.

The Panel of Judges rejected all of the defendants' exceptions, namely the Governor of South Kalimantan, who was represented by his legal representative, the Legal Bureau of the South Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat.

Although the points of the lawsuit related to material and non-material compensation were not granted, the plaintiff through the Coordinator of the South Kalimantan Flood Victims Advocacy Team, M Pazri admitted that he still welcomed the decision.

"This decision gives a little breath of fresh air to the residents of South Kalimantan. Even though only some of the lawsuits have been granted, at least it becomes an input, improvement, correction, evaluation, policy in disaster management in South Kalimantan," said Pazri.

Regarding the non-acceptance of the claim points related to compensation, Pazri admitted that in the trial the flood victims had difficulty fulfilling the evidence regarding the costs used in repairing their property and belongings.

"It is difficult to prove because when looking for receipts, post-flood repair notes are difficult for victims to find," explained Pazri.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Legal Bureau of the South Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat, Bambang Eko Mintharjo, stated that he would carry out the order of the Banjarmasin Administrative Court panel of judges in the decision.

"We will continue the order and coordinate with the related SKPD. Whether it is related to EWS or the use of social media as a means of disseminating information regarding potential disasters," he said.

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