JEMBER - The Regent of Jember, Hendy Siswanto, together with the leadership of the DPRD and several regional apparatus organizations met with the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) for the East Java Representative. The meeting related to the settlement of regional losses found by BPK based on the investigative audit.

"Today, we will indeed meet with the BPK for audit communications regarding BPK's findings which stated that Rp107 billion of funds could not be accounted for," said Hendy, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 29.

The Jember Regency Government during the reign of the Regent of Jember Faida allocated a sizeable budget for the handling of COVID-19 in 2020, reaching Rp479 billion through refocusing the unexpected expenditure budget (BTT).

In the report document on the results of the BPK examination, the total expenditure of the COVID-19 Task Force reached Rp220.5 billion, but as much as Rp107 billion without the ratification of a letter of responsibility (SPJ), so that the completeness of the SPJ for spending in handling COVID-19 was only Rp74.7 billion.

In the BPK Examination Results Report (LHP) on the 2020 Jember Regional Government Financial Report (LKPD) it was found that the COVID-19 unexpected aid budget of Rp107 billion could not be accounted for.

"We discussed with the BPK regarding the Rp107 billion budget because if it is not completed, it will be a bad report card for the Jember Regency Government for the 2021 fiscal year," said Hendy.

In 2019, the Jember Regency Government received a disclaimer opinion and in 2020 it received an unfair opinion from the BPK which is the only district in East Java that has consecutively received bad opinions in regional financial management.

"In my leadership era, God willing, all budgets have been carried out in accordance with the provisions, but the issue of Rp107 billion in the previous regent era became a burden for the current government and must be resolved. Otherwise, it will continue to be ugly," he said.

Previously, the East Java BPK also conducted an audit of the results of monitoring the settlement of regional losses within the Jember Regency Government per semester 1 of 2021 which found regional losses of IDR 200 billion more than a total of 1,361 cases.

Of the total loss of state money of more than Rp. 200 billion, the amount that has been deposited into the regional treasury is Rp. 29 billion and the remaining amount that must be deposited into the regional treasury is Rp. 171.4 billion, one of which is the former Regent of Jember Faida who has not yet completed the refund of the overpayment of tax collection incentives. and regional levies of Rp.438,574 million.

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