MAMUJU - Corruption Crime Investigator of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the West Sulawesi Police (Sulbar) has handed over a case file on the alleged corruption of the sea transportation subsidy or the pioneering sea highway of the Mamuju base to the High Court (Kejati).
Dirkrimsus Polda Sulbar Kombes Agustinus Suprianto, said his party handed over the case files along with two suspects, namely IER, as the official contract maker, and EH, the provider who is also the Director of PT Atmosphere Baru Line.
"Today, the case file and two suspects in the corruption case for the operation of the pioneering sea transportation operation subsidy for the Mamuju base route R-45 sourced from the 2018 budget year APBN at the Ministry of Transportation, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation through the Mamuju Port Organizing Unit Office, which was carried out by PT Atmosphere. New Line, we have submitted it to the West Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office," Agustinus said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 28.
The two suspects, namely IER as the official maker of the EH contract, and the Director of PT Atmosphere Baru Line were named as suspects, after committing a criminal act of corruption in the sea transport subsidy or the pioneering sea toll of the Mamuju base in the 2018 fiscal year.
The results of the BPKP audit, state losses caused by the alleged corruption of the two suspects reached Rp4.9 billion.
In the investigation process, it was discovered that PPK and the provider, in this case PT Atmosphere Baru Line, made a contract addendum that did not comply with the provisions as stipulated in Presidential Regulation 54 of 2010 concerning Government Procurement of Goods and Services and Government Regulation Number 15 of 2016 concerning Types and Tariffs of PNBP applicable to the Ministry of Transportation, including anchorage fees and mooring fees.
In its implementation, Agustinus said, there was a change in the contract for the ship to be operated, which should use a ship with a size of 2,000 GT based on the initial contract.
"However, in practice, the provider uses a ship with a size of 1,200 GT and in payment still uses a calculation with a 2,000 GT ship, so that from the audit results it was found that there was an overpayment due to the use of ships that were not in accordance with specifications," said Agustinus Suprianto.
From this case, he said, corruption investigators confiscated evidence in the form of DIPA documents at the Mamuju UPP Office, contract documents, administration of disbursement of funds/SPM and SP2D, documents for operationalized ships and other documents related to contract implementation.
Other evidence, he said, was cash worth Rp. 1 billion which was confiscated from the provider and proof of deposit to the state treasury worth Rp. 348.3 million.
The two suspects were charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) subsidiary Article 3 subsidiary Article 18 of the Corruption Eradication Act in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.
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